Recipes and Ingredients Updates (Devlog 3)

This week we've been working on advancing more with the Recipes and Ingredients. We've decided to make all the skewer recipes have up to 2 items types per skewer (Say mushroom and cheese) and when making the skewer it alternates ingredients each item. We were initially going to make the skewers two of one type of food item stacked on another but the alternating looks alot nicer. Example:

Also there has been alot of icons for all the different icons for each food combo. Example:

Also some models for worn down/broken versions of the mushroom crate was made, and a rack for sticks was made. 

Mostly this week has been doing the ingredient icons and general upgrades/versions of models for the worn down versions. There was also some general organization stuff for the way we upload assets. Thanks for reading :)

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